Cerot Marello and the Improbable Small Orchestra On Thursday May 11, at the "Red Devil" in the deconsecrated church of San Martino in Asti, anticipated by an article on La Stampa - Asti, on line and paper, in front of a large audience, was held the concert that Cerot Marello and the Improbable Small Orchestra have offered to WECARE, for the purchase of a sterilizer for Pope John XXIII Hospital in Aber - Lira - Uganda. It was a nice success sealed by a good fund raising.
Attached files: - articolo stampa concerto.pdf - 2.377,71 Kb - Cerot_on_line_1.pdf - 3.109,93 Kb - Cerot_on_line_2.pdf - 2.378,18 Kb - Cerot_on_line_3.pdf - 114,31 Kb - Giovedì 11 maggio alle ore 2100.pdf - 3.900,92 Kb