WeCare Onlus

Our history that is ... who we are, what we do

Wecare was born on November 8th 2003, when a group of frends gathered in front of a notary in Asti to drow up the chart and the bylaws of a no profit association, but mostly the mutual commitment to work united to “help” to those who need it most.

We can say that it is born almost by chance, for seemingly fortuitous circumstances, as often happens, but the "chance" is none other than the mysterious plan of which we follow the unknown lines and that they are revealed only at the time of happening of the facts.

We had no other resource that our will to work to help as quickly and directly as possible those who are in need and in disease but we were sure that the seriousness of our commitment, the management transparency, the total voluntary work of all of us will made us find generous supporters and so it was.

In fact the purpose for which we were born, it is precisely to transform every penny collected in a support project made in certain times without any dispersion of money in respect for the needs of those who receive and the generosity of those who give.

We also looked for a logo in which were represented the strength of union solidarity, we are like pieces of a puzzle that only brought together give shape to a drawing and the colors of every faith, because the need and suffering knows no borders of skin color or creed, religious or political.

But we still were missing something to better express the sense of our actionand that something has been the sentence we have united to the logo, a sentence belonging to Luigi Pintor: “There is’nt in an entire life a more important thing to do that bend in order to allow another person, encircling your neck, to get up”.  To him goes a grateful thanks for allowing us to find in his words a magnificent synthesis of our desire to offer solidarity and hope. And only the generosity of those who share with us the sense of these words it allows us to continue our efforts to intervene in situations of poverty and suffering. However, around us the need is so much, widespread and has many faces. It was right to make a choice because unfortunately it is common experience that the boundary between the rhetoric and deeds between good intentions and waste too often is passed. Therefore we have decided to devote ourself especially to women, children and the elderly even weaker in terms of need and we do it with projects aimed at improving social health and training. In the Third World countries acquire and install sanitary equipment or create diagnosis and treatment facilities it means to operate in the present but also create conditions for better care in the future. Ensure the means for professional training especially nurses and doctors and build facilities to start primary and secondary schooling children otherwise destined to the road and ignorance it means betting on the future of regions and peoples who seek a future. We are nothing else but a small group of Friends that one day they found themselves with the belief that there is no act of love, however small, that may not change a bit the world and the challenge that motivates us every day it is precisely the determination to turn things around with a gesture of friendship and a smile.

Agostino Gaglio.


Agostino has left us on 2013 October 13th and his disappearance opened an aching void that leaved us orphans and lost. But in June 2014 appear on the scene of Wecare Francesco Coggiola and Bianca Cifiello that open a new page for our non-profit organization. Francesco and Bianca go a few times a year in Uganda where they lend their medical activities and involve us in their adventure giving birth to new initiatives that you can find in the pages of this site.

The Amici di Wecare team.


Last news


We contributed with our donation to the construction of the water tower in Lowero, north of Kampala. Pictures of the work in progress.



This is the school of S. Filippo Neri Nerute, diocese of Lira, to which Wecare donated 50 three-seater desks. And the thanks of Don Opio Vallente: "S. Filippo Neri is a small place located on the outskirts of the city of Lira East, about 3 km from the cathedral. It used to be a chapel under the...



Through our Ugandan subsidiary WAN OPARO, we have contributed to the construction of the kitchen house and the renovation of the primary school in Nakivubo, southeast of Kampala - Uganda. In the pdf you will find the work report.



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