WeCare Onlus


Back in Italy since two weeks we have still our eyes full of colours, faces, smiles that Africa has given us. We hace thought a lot about what we could do to return the affection we were welcomed with in Ugaganda, a faraway country and of which we did not know anything until recently

We met with Silvia Oteng, our Ugandan friend and person of great confidence and seriousness, as well as of great heart, an employee at the Italian embassy in Kampala. Together with her we have thought about this project, which is to offer economic support through the establishment of scholarships issued by WeCare, to some particularly worthy boys and girls, all from Ngetta, Lira district, north Uganda.

Through acquaitances of Silvia, who is originally from Lira and ever since works to help who is in trouble, we started collecting some history, just to let you know who might be the recipients of your help.

• My name is Sarah Aria, I am 13 years old and I attend the first year of high school, at the King James School in Lira. I never met my parents. My mom was raped in the years of civil war, she was only 13 when he gave me birth. The shock of the rape and my arrival was too great for her. So she decided to abandon me. I have no idea who my father is. I was raised by a widow, who is still taking care of me, but she is not able to pay my school fees. Unfortunately, after burning an arm, I can not be of great help to her in working in the countryside: I can not use the spade! The school is all for me: because of my physical handicap, my future depends entirely on the success of my studies.

• This is Gerald Okelo and my life has not begun under a good star. My parents were little more than kids when I was born. Today I am 13 years old, I ended brilliantly the first 7 years of primary school and now I would like to attend the first superior, but I need economic support. My mom is dead, while my dad has problems with alcohol and drug addiction and lives on the street in Kampala. He can not care for himself, much less for me. I hope someone can help me to complete my studies, because I really want to make a turning point in my life and soon become economically independent.

• My name is Moses Ongom and I live with my mother because my dad never wanted to recognize me as a son: he thinks of me as a mistake of youth! I am 15 years old and I attend the second year at King James High School. I am considered an intelligent boy, I love to read and I would very much like to have the opportunity to continue my schooling. Unfortunately, without my father's financial support, it is impossible for me. My mom, despite all the sacrifices, fails to pay my school fees. 

• My name is Elizabeth Akullo, I am 12 years old and I attend the last year of primary school. My family is a large family, I am the first of six brothers. Until a few years ago, despite the civil war, our family life spent rather serenely. Then one day an uncontrolled transfusion infected my dad with HiV and since then everything has deteriorated. My dad is dead, my mom is currently very sick and I'm afraid she'll leave us soon too. The survival and future of my brothers will depend on me and for this reason the school is so important to me. I have great confidence in God and I know that he will not abandon me at this very moment of great need.

• • This is Mr Francis Okello and I am the headmaster of the Ngetta Boys Primary School. Many of our school children would need economic aid, but I would like to bring to your attention two students of the seventh grade of primary school.

• Lona Patricia Abela she is a very humble girl, religious and who works hard at school. Unfortunately she is orphaned and this risks to compromise her future, since no relative is willing to pay for her education.

• Felix Stole is 16 years old and attends the seventh year of primary school. He is also orphaned, and lives with his grandmother, but she is not always able to pay for his school tuition and this is the reason for its delay in the conclusion of the studies: who is not regular in payments cannot support the end-year exam for admission to the next one. It would be a pity if he interrupts the studies, because his only barrier is economic.

We would like to see changing the keywords of these stories: enough talk about the past, civil war, orphans and HIV. We would like to give them education, vocational training, work … in a word: future!

We calculated that it's enough 30 euros a month to pay: school tuition, overnight at the college, canteen, uniforms, books and school supplies. The support period will depend on the course chosen by the boy, depending on his wishes and personal preferences and will be listed in the first information sheet. Obviously this is not a constraint, but a choice. At any time, you can choose to stop your commitment by promptly informing us. We are committed to giving you photos and news about school performance and health. It will be possible for you to write at any time and also in Italian to your "Ugandan son-in-law”, we will translate for you! If then the desire to meet the boy or girl you decide to support and to know the reality of northern Uganda, will born in you, we will be also available to arrange your trip and the meeting.

A last economic notation.

WECARE is an Onlus organization therefore for individuals the adoption is deductible from the total taxable income for IRPEF purposes to 10% of the total declared income, and in any case, for an annual amount not exceeding € 70,000. Alternatively, donations can be deducted from the gross tax declared for IRPEF purposes up to 26% of the donation and, in any case, up to the maximum amount of € 2,065 for each tax year. For companies, donations are deductible from the total taxable income for IRES purposes to 10% of the total declared income; and, in any case, for an annual amount not exceeding € 70,000. 

 WECARE onlus

IBAN IT68X0303210300010000001482

Specifying for “Scholarships for Ngetta"





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